Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stallworth, Sosa, etc.

A decent sports information day for baseball season....
  • Donte Stallworth sentenced to 30 days in jail for killing a man while operating a vehicle drunk.... I won't give you the entire thought process (been covered elsewhere) but I agree with the fact that if you compare this to what Mike Vick did, it's not even comparable and I don't understand this....It's the same thing with Leonard Little, the punishment for killing another human being while drunk should simply be a whole lot stronger...
  • Sammy Sosa reportedly tested positive for PED's in 2003....raise your hand if you're surprised.... that's what I thought....start the "hall of famer or not" argument...
  • Kevin Love tweets that Kevin McHale is out at T-Wolves coach....this is definitely news b/c it hasn't been reported yet... I'd be okay with this, as it's pretty well known that he's a below-average head coach and a flat-out awful GM...
  • Mike Gonzalez absolutely implodes last night as the Braves go down 7-2.... Yes, it was 3-2 before-hand and it probably didn't matter...but when Bobby Cox inserts his pseudo-closer in the 8th down 3-2....his entire job is to keep it 3-2... I hated putting him in...and the result backed me up on it...but it's a typical Bobby move... in other news, I've invented a new stat called "Threats ended by Kelly Johnson"'s a fun one
More later...

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