Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hurried but still here...

Title says it all, let's go...
  • Tiger Woods is back....and Golf has a pulse again....its been said before, but Tiger's impact on the tour is unlike any single athlete on any single sport in the history of supercedes Jordan, Ali, or whoever else you want to put out there....he owns the game....and looked good doing it yesterday
  • Marquette Senior PG Dominic James out for the year....the former All-Big East guard was playing his best ball in years and this is really sad news as he had sort of resurrected his game this year and Marquette in Sweet 16 territory....
  • Boston lost to who? The Clippers? huh?
  • Memo to the Dodgers....Get Manny into camp....and do it now...hopefully this deal is big enough...but he shouldn't be on the sidelines with Spring Training already going....that's ridiculous
  • Duke continues its improved offensive play putting up 87 in College Park over resurgent Maryland....we all know the story....too many jump shots...but they've been attacking the basket lately and that's how you gain offensive consistency....
  • Tony Parker is just pouring it in without Timmy D and Manu in the lineup....39 against Portland? Obviously Steve Blake can't guard him...but that's still alot of points

All I have time for today, enjoy it

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