Thursday, August 13, 2009

Vick to the....Eagles???!?

Well here are my thoughts as they happened....
  1. What!??!?! The Eagles?!?!?
  2. How is Donovan going to react?
  3. He gets a 2-year for year 1...5.2 million option for year 2....seems pretty crazy to me...but also pretty sly on the Eagles part....5.2 would be a steal if he's the old Vick...if not, they pass on the option
  4. Will they use him elsewhere? They almost have to...they've invested fairly highly in Kevin Kolb and this would figure to demote him instantly at QB....The fit is even MORE interesting simply b/c they already have 2 short/fast slot receiver types in Maclin and Jackson, AND an outstanding RB tandem....Where does he fit?
  5. On a list of the top 20 teams I thought he may go to... Philly wouldn't be on it....
  6. Now the countdown is on until December 6th....and the absolute freak show it'll be when Philly comes to Atlanta...I've already got my eye on some tickets....but I won't be pulling the trigger until I see if Vick will actually see the gridiron....
That's all for now...but I'

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