Friday, May 9, 2008

The Links!

I'm ripping off Bill Simmons here and posting links that I think you should go to.....Let me first state that you MUST acquire a google reader account immediately to more decisively and easily read your favorite blogs/writers on a daily basis....just a shameless plug

If you are an NBA head like myself, and love to see the future check out:
For a little peak into my own personal google reader, here are a list of blogs/writers that I read daily
  • (Michigan fans only will have interest here)
Also, check out ESPN's truehoop blog by Henry Abbott and anything Bill Simmons has ever written..... carries Michael Wilbon almost daily as it is his home paper, and he's one of the best

Let me say (another shameless plug coming) that Yahoo! is simply the place to go if you want quick, simple stats/scores/etc. as it is day-in and day-out the most accurate, easily-loaded, and quickest sports site out there for this type of information....And they even give you +/- in basketball! hahaha jokes kids...

If this helps anyone...I'll post more links/writers that I read regularly....if not, I won't...let me know

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