Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Meant to get to this earlier...was reminded by PTI....How in the world does a team's best player not play for an ENTIRE 2nd half of the final and utter must-win game for that team at the end of the year?? Ask Don Nelson...who somehow benched Baron Davis for the entire 2nd half in their series-ending loss last night to Phoenix and they, in turn, went down in flames late....It's just patently insane to me to have your MVP and only all-star sitting there for an entire half in a game you HAVE to win to stay alive...and then, the excuse made was..."He got some much needed rest"???? Well...he's resting now Nellie....for the entire summer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woww, just read this.. had no clue... but absolutely rediculous to me!!! is that a fuckin joke? who the hell would sit the best player on your team BY LEAPS AMD BOUNDS in the game that you have to win... honestly a move like that makes me wonder why someone who would do that could keep his job, regaurdless of what he has done in previous years... i dont care... if you can just give up that easily on ur season and sit out ur best player the entire 2nd half, you show the world that you have no heart, no determination, no love for the game, and should be shot and killed and/or put to sleep... jesus